Own a Titan II Missile Complex: part 1 (introduction)

Who would be crazy enough to buy a decommissioned Titan II missile complex? ...stay tuned, we known someone that did!

The Titan II was an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) carrying the largest single warhead of any American ICBM. Standing 103 feet tall and weighing a colossal 330,000 pounds, it had a range of up to 9,300 miles away. The warhead for the Titan II was the W-53 with a final developed yield of 9 megatons (3x times the explosive power of all the bombs used during World War II, including both atomic bombs).

What makes these sites so interesting? Based within super-hardened silos, deep beneath the ground, the Titan's concrete and steel reinforced facilities were able to withstand the massive pressure of a nuclear blast. This gave it a survivability from nuclear attack. Imagine the engineering and construction challenges.


Titan II's were operational for twenty-four years, starting in June 1963 and lasting through June 1987. They were based out of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona (18), McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas (18), Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas (18), and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California (Space Launch Vehicles). Titans were finally retired in the mid-1980's due to their high cost and a series of accidents.

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Stay tuned as we introduce you to our ManLife friend who 10 years ago purchased a Titan II Missile complex site in Arkansas and has had plenty of excitement and discovery. Please Register here at ManLife so you keep updated and can follow this series https://manlife.com/register/. Here is a hint to what our friend had to start with 10 years ago!

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For those that want to jump ahead of the series you can view our friends YouTube channel Death Wears Bunny Slippers. We'll have plenty of behind the scenes and more details here at ManLife soon!
About author
Rob Lay
Rob Lay is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief at ManLife.com, Founder of FerrariChat.com, and Owner at Lay Properties, LLC. Rob has a B.S. from Babson College and M.B.A. from University of Dallas along with executive training from SMU. Rob has enjoyed various activities from competitive swimming in college, running several marathons, competed at triathlon nationals, competed at national club car racing, 1,000+ hour private instrument pilot, competed as a co-angler national FLW bass tour, and big game hunting around North America. Rob wants to share his experiences and learn from other middle-aged men in the ManLife Community. You can also find Rob on Instagram and LinkedIn.


Here's a fun article about an Atlas silo near Abilene. When I was in college it was fun to drive out to one of the Atlas sites and go down into the silo. Often at night. The silo at the time was filled with about 50 feet of water.
Here's a fun article about an Atlas silo near Abilene. When I was in college it was fun to drive out to one of the Atlas sites and go down into the silo. Often at night. The silo at the time was filled with about 50 feet of water.

Here's another fun article about an Atlas silo.
wow, growing up in Kansas I heard about various silos on farms and sometimes there would be parties, but I never visited one. My ex had some land with some ammo storage bunkers, but that was about the closest to a silo.

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Rob Lay
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