Capsule Wardrobes Make Travel a Breeze
Travel can be a little bit stressful these days, to say the least. You’ll likely be at the whim of airline schedules, often trying to figure out public transit, getting used to sleeping in new places, and the like. The more things you can do try to make that experience more predictable, and less stressful, you should.
Here’s where a capsule wardrobe can come in super handy. Before heading off for a trip, I take a look at the weather possibilities and make notes on what kinds of activities I’ll be doing. From there, I pack my wardrobe to have the minimum number of things that will meet the needs of each thing I’ll be doing. This means that I won’t have to spend any time at my destination trying to figure out what looks good. Of course, I think it’s a great idea to have a few spares of things like t-shirts, socks, and underwear. But, if everything looks good together, then you can spend your time enjoying your vacation as opposed to worrying about what to wear or, worse, looking like an out-of-place tourist in badly put-together outfits.
In my view, if you’re a man starting out in your career, it’s an awesome time to start a capsule wardrobe. Take a look at your style, climate, and job as well as your hobbies. With that in mind, buy pieces that look good together, get what you need done, and can be coordinated easily with things you already own.
This makes your life simpler and easier, and it’ll also enhance your style. If you have a consistent look, it will also prevent you from spending money on things that don’t work well together and, thus, would end up sitting at the back of your closet which is something that you should avoid, in that it’s an awful waste of time and money to buy something you never wear.