Spicy Pork Fried Rice

The secret to better fried rice, as with a lot of cooking, is thinking ahead.

Here, I take some pork tenderloin, slice it into thin strips, then marinate it in a mixture of soy sauce, sriracha, lemon juice, and pepper. You can also add red pepper flakes for more color and a different kick. Then, when I’m doing that, I make some rice in the rice cooker. Both of those go in the fridge overnight.

The next day when you want to eat, finely slice some garlic and get some butter melting in a wok. Once the butter is bubbling, add in the garlic and keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t burn: it’ll only take a minute or so.

Now, add your pork and the marinade, stirring constantly with high heat. Once the pork is done, another five minutes, add in the rice. Once the rice is incorporated and hot, crack an egg or two into the hot mixture. Keep stirring until the egg is binding everything together, and you’re done.