Here is one of my easiest favorites on the grill that everyone seems to love. The "Deer on a Pole" name was given to it by friends 15 years ago because it was so good. The real names are Jalapeño Poppers w/Venison and Armadillo Eggs. 
Jalapeño Poppers w/Venison (or any meat)
Jalapeño Poppers w/Venison (or any meat)
- Seasoned Venison Filets (or any meat)
- Half Jalapeño scraped out to your hotness liking
- Secret cheese filling (see below for recipe)
- Wrap everything with bacon
- Stick it with toothpick (stripper pole
- Season everything (favorite BBQ rub)
- Pork Sausage
- Full Jalapeño split and scraped out to your hotness liking
- Secret cheese filling (see below for recipe)
- Cover outside with thin layer of pork sausage
- Wrap everything with bacon
- Stick it with toothpick (stripper pole
- Season everything (favorite BBQ rub)
- Sharp cheddar cheese
- Cream cheese (fruity flavored - Pineapple great if you can find it)
- mix good
- Salsa 50%
- Cream cheese (fruity flavored - Pineapple great if you can find it) 50%
- mix good
- Smoke/grill it 275-325 degrees, approximately 1 hour
- or oven works well as alternative less smokey