Everyone beer drinking has their favorite “cheap” beer. Whether it be at a time of need or you’re just craving something cheap, big gas station beers are hard to beat. After some debate about which of these beers was the best, we decided to set up a blind taste test with 10 different beers. We realize malt liquor may not technically be beer, but for the sake of the test we went ahead and included some anyways.
Experiment setup: Beers were poured into glasses numbered 1-10. Participants did not know what beer was in each glass. Our testers included 4 “young” adults, and 4 adults with more life experience. Each tester was instructed to taste each beer and rank them from 1-10, 1 being the best and 10 being the worst. We used cheez-it’s to reset our palette between beers. Once the results were in, we averaged the rank of each beer across the testers. The lower the average rank, the better overall that beer scored.
Here are the contenders:
- Schlitz Malt Liquor
- Miller High Life
- Keystone Ice
- Milwaukee’s Best
- Bud Ice
- Natural Light
- Lone Star
- Steel Reserve
- Keystone Light
- Busch Light