The standard of cheap college eating doesn’t have to be dull. With just a little preparation, it can be good food, rather than good for the money. I’ve been experimenting with ramen lately, and here’s where I’m at in the process:
If you have the time to make your own chicken stock and freeze it, it can be an excellent base for the standard packet noodles. Then, toss the included flavor pack right in the trash and simply add a little soy sauce. When the noodles are done, I top it with at least a soft-boiled egg, but some stir-fried mushrooms, chicken, or pork along with some green onions make for an excellent and filling meal.
If you have the time to make your own chicken stock and freeze it, it can be an excellent base for the standard packet noodles. Then, toss the included flavor pack right in the trash and simply add a little soy sauce. When the noodles are done, I top it with at least a soft-boiled egg, but some stir-fried mushrooms, chicken, or pork along with some green onions make for an excellent and filling meal.